Centennial Medical Care - Facebook Centennial Medical Care - Instagran

Saturday 09:00 - 13:00

Friday 08:00 - 18:00

Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 20:00


Pharmacy: 0203 327 7777

Appointments: 0203 327 7777

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Consultant Mr Freddie Banks

Consultant Urologist
BSc, MBBS, FRCS (urol)

Mr Freddie Banks trained at Charing Cross and Westminster Medical School, and then subsequently on the Imperial and UCLH Urology rotations. He completed a research MD at the Royal Free and undertook specialist Paediatric Urology training at Great Ormond Street, Southampton and UCLH where he has maintained close links with these hospitals. 

His NHS practice is split between Paediatric and Adult Urology. Mr Banks has a weekly Paediatric Surgery list and runs a weekly Paediatric Urology clinic. In terms of Paediatric Urology he sees a large number of children with issues around the foreskin, scrotum and testes. He also sees a large number of children with issues around wetting, both at night and in the day and also recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI). He is very happy to advise on all of these conditions and his practice covers all aspects of Paediatric Urology from antenatal counselling to adolescent issues or concerns.

Mr Freddie Banks is married and has 3 daughters.

In his youth he was a keen rugby player having played with Saracens, and in more recent times he played with Imperial Medicals. He is now the President of United Hospitals RFC.

In the unlikely event of some spare time Mr Banks likes fishing, bird watching, gardening and skiing.


We have GPs available every day and an on-site pharmacy for prescriptions.

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Centennial Medical Care Pharmacy

Our on-site Pharmacy is open to the public:

Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00