Centennial Medical Care - Facebook Centennial Medical Care - Instagran

Saturday 09:00 - 13:00

Friday 08:00 - 18:00

Monday - Thursday 08:00 - 20:00


Pharmacy: 0203 327 7777

Appointments: 0203 327 7777

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Dr. Antonin Gechev MD, PhD

Clinical Neurophysiology

In Dr Gechev’s professional life he was interested initially in some aspects of spinal root dysfunction causing intermittent paralysis and found Clinical Neurophysiology might help to identify the underlying mechanism. That took him to a position developing a comprehensive method to evaluate patients with radiculopathies. He made an assumption, patients will benefit if we identify their condition before choosing a conservative or surgical treatment. The method proved to be beneficial in a consequent controlled study.

At that time, he was involved in Clinical Governance and became Medical Director responsible for a Rehabilitation Hospital. After completing four consecutive terms he returned with energy to clinical practice at a new level – with newly gained experience in leadership, innovation and management. His interest in Clinical Neurophysiology flourished in the last 8 years working in different NHS Hospitals with passion and enthusiasm.

“My medical career of 30 years is inspired by the willingness to help people and my family, developing new technologies and collaborating with brilliant colleagues all over the world.”

Dr. Gechev speaks Bulgarian and English.


We have GPs available every day and an on-site pharmacy for prescriptions.

Appointments >


Centennial Medical Care Pharmacy

Our on-site Pharmacy is open to the public:

Mon-Fri 10:00 - 18:00