A message from Centennial Medical Care
25 March 2020
We want to advise on our position regarding the Corona virus outbreak.
We are remaining open and we will continue to follow Public Health England and government guidelines.
Our Pharmacy will remain open and will accept telephone and email prescriptions. We currently have plenty of stock of hand sanitisers, paracetamol and other useful products.
We do have GP's available everyday. Face to face and telephone consultations are available to you.
We are screening everyone who phones for an appointment.
We are asking the following questions:
1. Do you have a new cough?
2. Do you have a high temperature?
3. Do you have shortness of breath?
4. Have you knowingly come into contact with anyone who has the virus?
If you answer yes to 1-3, however mild, you will be advised to stay at home for 7 days from when the symptoms started.
If you have been in contact with anyone, including family members, who are carrying the virus (4) you are asked to self-isolate for 14 days from when contact was made.
Patients with known (or if they declare) underlying health problems will be advised to contact NHS 111 Online or NHS 111 if they do not have internet access.
No patients with respiratory symptoms should be coming in to the practice.
All patients with any of the above symptoms will be advised to stay home and only if symptoms do not go after seven days or if you feel a worsening of symptoms you should make contact with NHS 111.
Should the situation change we will advise accordingly and keep you up to date with any changes in access to our services